Glossary operator for templates ------------------------------- INSTALLATION: 1) Put the folder "glossary" in the "extension" directory, which is under the root of the ezp site. Create the "extension" directory if you don't have it. 2) Edit AutoLoadPath in [TemplateSettings] in site.ini Add this to the paths listed: extension/glossary/kernel/common 3) Open site.ini.append.php in the override directory Add this to the [ActiveExtensions] block: ActiveExtensions[]=glossary 4) Usage in templates: {"Scan this text for glossary words"|glossary(,, <"array"|"replace">)} {$var|glossary(,, <"array"|"replace">)} 1st parameter: Replace only once (true), or replace all occurences (false) 2nd parameter: Node ID of the glossary (overrides the default specified in glossary.ini) 3rd parameter: "replace" -> replace matched words, "array" -> return an array of the matched to the template (NodeID, Node Name and Description) More settings can be found in glossary.ini